Here's a brief look back through EducationSansar's history. This history timeline is not complete and missing some important information. We are trying to complete this timeline by looking into our archives which might take some while.

  • Began to Publish TU Results

    November 01, 2009

    We got an official approval from Tribhuvan University, Office of the Controller of Examinations, to publish all the results published by Tribhuvan University.

  • Began to Publish HSEB Results


    With an approval of Higher Secondary Education Board (HSEB), we started publishing HSEB Results of Class 11 and 12 with subjects and obtained marks.

  • Historically Published SLC Result Online


    We approached Office of the Controller of Examinations (OCE) to publish SLC Result with obtained mark in individual subjects through website. With the approval of OCE and Controller Harka Prasad Shrestha, historically first time in Nepal, EducationSansar exclusively published the result of SLC 2063 (Exempted Group) with subjects and obtained marks.

  • Website Launched

    November 26, 2006

    EducationSansar is formally launched by Hon. Dr. Mangal Siddhi Manandhar, Minister for Education & Sports.

  • Domain Name Registered

    March 15, 2006

    After a lots of brainstorming, we formally decided to use as a domain name to execute our ideas on helping people on educational sector.